University Health and Safety Committees

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Environmental Safety and Risk Management Committee

The Environmental, Safety and Risk Management Committee (ESRM) develops policies and procedures to improve oversight of safety and risk management.  Areas of focus include: occupational health and safety, laboratory safety, public safety (including visitors and contractors), fire safety, building security systems, fleet safety, pedestrian safety, campus events, and environmental stewardship.

For these areas, the ESRM committee evaluates the level of risk at the University, reviews existing policy and the practices needed to implement the policy, and makes recommendations aimed at reducing risk.  ESRM provides guidance for the University efforts in environmental health and safety, risk management, campus safety, protection of physical assets, research safety, and to individual academic and administrative departments.

ESRM meets three or four times a year to review incident statistics including workers’ compensation losses, incidents and accidents on campus, property losses, fires and false alarms, audits of related programs and periodic status reports of the University’s safety, security and risk management efforts.

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Radiation Safety Committee

The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is a subcommittee of the Environmental Safety and Risk Management Committee (ESRM). The RSC is responsible for oversight of the University’s radiation safety program, grants authorization to principal investigators and other senior staff members who plan to work with radioactive materials, reviews incidents involving radioactive materials, sets policies for the use of sources of radiation and gives general supervision to the implementation of those policies.

The RSC is chaired by a senior faculty member and is comprised of various faculty members, the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, the University Radiation Safety Officer and other relevant personnel.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) provides supervision, coordination, and review of every project proposed to include the use of vertebrate animals. IACUC has the responsibility to approve, to require modification of proposed activity involving animals, and the authority to prohibit a project’s use of vertebrate animals.

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee is administered by Research Integrity and Assurance.  Committee members are appointed by the Institutional Official on behalf of the University President. The Committee includes the University Attending Veterinarian, scientists, non-scientists, the University Biosafety Officer and members of the public to ensure representation of diverse viewpoints.

Institutional Biosafety Committee

The Institutional Biosafety Committee provides review and oversight of all University research and teaching activities conducted by faculty, staff, students and/or visiting scientists that involve the use of biological agents. Biological agents include recombinant DNA molecules as defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (NIH Guidelines), infectious and potentially infectious agents, human and non-human primate materials, and biological toxins.

Princeton University’s biological safety program is managed by EHS and the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is administered by Research Integrity and Assurance.

 sUAS Advisory Committee

The sUAS Advisory Committee sets policy and regulations pertaining to the use of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS)—including drones, quadcopters and model aircraft—by members of the Princeton University community. The committee serves as advisor to the sUAS Management Team.

The sUAS Advisory Committee is comprised of representatives from University offices including, but not limited to, Audit and Compliance, Dean for Research, Environmental Health and Safety, Facilities, General Counsel, Public Safety, Risk Management, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Procurement Services.