Event Planning and Registration

Organization Registration

If you wish to start a new student theater organization, please see the New Groups section of the ODUS website.

Available Venues

The available facilities most frequently used for student-run theatrical productions are the Forbes College Black Box Theater, the Class of 1970 Theatre at Whitman College, the Matthews Acting Studio at 185 Nassau Street, and the Wilcox Black Box Theater. Please contact Campus Venue Services for more information about other potential performance spaces on campus.

  • Forbes Black Box Theater – Anyone is eligible to use the Forbes College Black Box Theater, but Forbesians are given preference if there is a schedule conflict.  The theater is handicapped-accessible and has a seating capacity of 65 with 2-3 approved seating layouts.  For more information, contact Forbes College Office at 258-6094.
  • Wilcox Black Box Theater – The Wilcox Black Box Theater has a seating capacity of 79 with one approved seating layout.  Please see the Wilcox Black Box website for more information.
  • Class of 1970 Theatre at Whitman College - This theater has a fixed seating capacity of 65. It can be used for theatrical performances, film screenings or lectures. It is fully equipped with lighting and sound boards for theater performances, as well as capability to play CD's, DVD's and VHS tapes. No food or drink is permitted in the theater. The theater is available only to University groups.

Please keep in mind any seat in a modifiable seating arrangement must be no more than 11 seats from an aisle.  If there are any questions about seating capacity or arrangements, especially in unusual venues, please contact the University Fire Marshal at [email protected].

Registering Your Event

All student organization events must be registered with ODUS for review and approval, including regularly scheduled meetings and rehearsals, as well as any events off campus. For more information, see the ODUS Event Registration page.

Pyrotechnics and Fire Code Permits

When open flames or pyrotechnic devices (such as flashpots) are a planned part of the performance, contact the University Fire Marshal at 8-6805 or [email protected] a minimum of 4 weeks before the performance to obtain a fire code permit application.  Fire Code permits from the local municipality are required for these types of devices:

  • Open Flames: Require a type 1 permit.  A type 1 permit must be obtained from the Fire Marshal for any open flame or flame producing device for each individual presentation.
  • Fireworks/Pyrotechnics: Require a type 3 permit.  A type 3 permit must be obtained from the Fire Marshal for the storage or discharge of fireworks.

Special Effects

Certain special effects should be reviewed to ensure all necessary safeguards are in place. Contact ODUS, Performance Services and/or EHS at the earliest phase of production if the performance involves the use of

  • Knives, swords, guns or any prop weapons
  • Items suspended over the audience
  • Pits, trap doors or other changes in elevation
  • Fog or smoke
  • Strobe Lighting
  • Lasers
  • Rigging or flying performers
  • Any unusual stage effect which raises safety/health concerns


Kelly States
Assistant Director