The University monitors the Air Quality Index (AQI) and will issue warnings and instructions when the AQI exceeds 150 for particulate matter.In the event of sustained AQI above 150, the University will issue a TigerAlert via the TigerSafe app, text messages, and email with a link to this web page. This page will provide special instructions and warnings for the general campus community and sensitive populations (e.g., the elderly, infants and young children, and people with lung diseases such as asthma or bronchitis).As appropriate, the University may make KN95 or similar masks available to the campus community, make adjustments to ventilation systems, and may recommend or require restrictions to outdoor activities and events.During the summer of 2023, the New Jersey DEP issued “Air Quality Action Days” when air quality related to particulates deteriorated due to smoke from wildfires in Canada.For more information about the Air Quality Index, including the current status, go to The lower portion of the page provides advice and guidance. Additional information is available in the EPA Guide for Particulate Pollution in PDF format. Air Quality Index Staff Shaundree DavisAssociate Director609-258-6256Derek ZieglerAssistant Director for Emergency Preparedness609-258-8695