Lead-Acid Battery Recycling

Lead-acid batteries are collected separately by the University and sent back to a battery manufacturer for recycling. Collection drums are located in four main collection points for convenient drop-off of fully discharged lead/acid batteries.

Lead-Acid Battery Collection Drum
  • Frick Chemistry stockroom (basement level)
  • Jadwin Physics Stockroom - Room A01 (contact Julio Lopez to access drum)
  • SEAS (EQuad) loading dock (contact Phil Curry to access drum)
  • Lewis Thomas Lab Loading Dock (contact dock staff or Mike Fredericks to access the drum)
  • Carl Icahn Lab Loading Dock (contact Deborah Grant to access the drum)

The containers are 16-gallon, blue plastic drums and are clearly labeled lead-acid battery recycling containers.

Please keep the container securely closed after depositing batteries.

DO NOT overfill the container, lid must fit securely during storage.

DO NOT place batteries on top of or in and around the storage area.

DO NOT place any other type of battery or any trash etc. in the container.

Contact EHS at 609-258-5294 when drum is nearly full, or for more information about the program.


Stanley Howell
Chemical Safety

Chris Niles
Hazardous Chemical Waste

Julio Lopez
Stockroom Technician, Physics

Dave Huber
Molecular Biology Facilities Assistant

Deb Grant
Carl Icahn Lab Storeroom Attendant

Phil Curry
SEAS Storeroom Attendant