For information on the latest COVID-related news, exposure/isolation procedures and what to do if you've tested positive, visit the COVID Resources website.
Environmental Health and Safety provides information and guidance on matters pertaining to indoor and outdoor air quality on campus.
This section provides information for students, faculty and staff creating visual arts or theater productions.
The procedure for response to bites from wild and domestic animals can be found on the Emergency Management website.
EHS and Facilities work together to prevent and respond to concerns regarding drinking water.
The Food Safety website provides guidance for students who are considering serving food at a campus event and information on how to report a suspected food-borne illness.
EHS provides investigation and response services to indoor air quality concerns and odors that develop indoors. For more information, go to this Indoor Air Quality Program page.
Princeton University is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment for its employees, students and visitors and managing the University in an environmentally sensitive and responsible manner.
This page provides links to resources for outdoor event safety and to determine whether you will need a permit from the local Health Department in order to serve food at your event.
Many of the components associated with lithium-based batteries are either inherently flammable or capable of reacting with air or water to generate heat and/or evolve flammable gases.
The University has developed guidance on handling suspicious mail or packages. For more information, go to the Suspicious Mail & Packages instructions at the Emergency Management site.
Damp indoor environments caused by water leaks, floods or high humidity can lead to the growth of mold and other microbial organisms. Uncontrolled mold and microbial growth and exposure to building dampness can be associated with respiratory symptoms.
The Environmental Safety and Risk Management (ESRM) Committee has convened a working group to examine exterior lighting for campus safety and security. In the interim, members of the campus community can report specific exterior campus lighting concerns.
The University maintains several playgrounds in various Housing complexes across campus and follows the state's regulatory requirements that all campus playgrounds must comply with the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission 2010 Public Playground Safety Handbook.
Princeton University maintains a comprehensive radon testing and mitigation program. For more information about the University's radon program, go to the Radon Testing Program page.
Recreational cannabis consumption is prohibited at institutions of higher education under the NJ Cannabis Regulatory Enforcement Assistance and Marketplace Modernization Act (NJCREAMMA).
Housing units constructed prior to 1978 may contain lead-based paint. The deterioration of lead paint can result in exposure to lead-containing dust.
Smoking is prohibited by law and University policy in all workplaces and places of public access in University buildings and outdoor spaces within 25 feet of all such buildings, including but not limited to all academic, residential, and administrative buildings.
Research and recreational use of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS), including drones and model airplanes, falls under the Princeton sUAS Policy. All use of such devices on campus is subject to formal approval.