Book traversal links for Preparing Food For an Event ‹ Potentially Hazardous Food Up Purchasing Food from a Restaurant or Caterer › Purchase food from approved sources, such as grocery stores that are licensed by the health department. Do not use home-processed foods, except if preparing baked goods such as cookies and cakes that do not need to be refrigerated for a bake sale. Never use home canned goods. Food must be prepared and stored in a licensed kitchen. Meet with representatives of EHS and Princeton Regional Health Department to review your temporary food service permit. Keep potentially hazardous foods* cold (below 41o F) or hot (above 135oF). Preparation of meat dishes or other potentially hazardous foods a day ahead of time is strongly discouraged because such procedures have frequently contributed to foodborne illness. Thawing of foods must not be done at room temperature. Thaw under refrigeration, in a microwave oven or as part of the cooking process. Foods that are to be reheated prior to service must be heated quickly to a minimum of of 165oF and held above 135oF until serviced. Sterno is designed to hold foods hot, not to reheat to a temperature of 165oF. Cook these meats, or foods containing them, to the indicated minimum internal temperatures: Pork 145oF Poultry 165oF Ground beef, meats, fish 155oF Book traversal links for Preparing Food For an Event ‹ Potentially Hazardous Food Up Purchasing Food from a Restaurant or Caterer › Staff Shaundree Davis Assistant Director, Environmental Health 609-258-6256