Avoiding Winter Slips and Falls Floods Lightning Safety Plan Reunion Worker Severe Weather Preparedness Working in Hot or Cold Temperatures Book traversal links for Weather Safety Avoiding Winter Slips and Falls › According to the National Weather Service, the United States is the most severe weather-prone country in the world. Each year, people in this country cope with an average of 10,000 thunderstorms, 5,000 floods, 1,200 tornadoes, and two land-falling hurricanes. Approximately 90% of all presidentially declared disasters are weather-related, causing around 500 deaths each year and nearly $14 billion in damage. Weather Notifications The University maintains an email announcement list to provide the campus community with timely information about significant weather events which could impact Princeton University’s campus operations: To subscribe to the Weather Group announcement list, send an e-mail message to [email protected] with the words “subscribe weathergroup” in the body of the message. You should include only the words without the quotation marks in the body of your message in order for the command to work properly. Subscribers must complete a confirmation process, details of which are included in a response e-mail sent automatically from the Princeton listserv. This list is not a replacement for the regular weather outlets upon which we all depend for daily forecasts. As with any weather event, the most up-to-date information for your immediate area is available through your local weather outlet. You can find information and guidance for specific weather by following the links below: Avoiding Winter Slips and Falls Floods Lightning Safety Plan Reunion Worker Severe Weather Preparedness Working in Hot or Cold Temperatures Book traversal links for Weather Safety Avoiding Winter Slips and Falls › Staff Kelly States Director, Campus Safety and Health 609-258-2648 James McQuaid Assistant Director, Occupational Safety 609-258-5106