Spills inside of a Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC)

1. Leave BSC on. Close off spill area to traffic, and notify coworkers.

2. If the spill may involve an aerosol, instruct all occupants to leave the room for 30 minutes to allow aerosols to settle. Aerosols can form if material is dropped Place a sign on the door warning staff not to enter the room due to a spill.

3. Remove contaminated lab coat or clothing and wash exposed skin.

4. Put on clean gloves and lab coat.

5. Prepare enough volume of a 1:10 dilution of chlorine bleach or other approved disinfectant to saturate the contaminated area.

6. Contain the spill with paper towels or other absorbent material such as bench liners.

7. Flood the spill area with disinfectant. Leave on for 10 minutes.

8. Push the absorbent material at the edge of the spill into the spill's center. Add more paper towels as needed.

9. If glass is present, use tongs or forceps and a dustpan to remove pieces and place into a sharps container.

10. Discard the paper towels into a regulated medical waste container.

11. Using clean paper towels and a disinfectant, wipe all surfaces that may have come in contact with the spilled material.

 Do not use 70% ethanol as it evaporates too quickly to allow adequate surface contact time.

12. If the cabinet has a catch basin beneath the work surface and the spill resulted in liquids flowing into this area, more extensive decontamination is required.

  • Ensure the drain valve under the cabinet is closed.
  • Pour disinfectant onto the work surface and through the front and rear grills into the drain pan. Allow 20-30 minutes contact time.
  • Absorb spilled fluid-disinfectant from work surface with paper towels & discard in biohazard bag.
  • Prepare to empty drain pan. Place fresh disinfectant solution in a collection vessel. Attach flexible tubing to the drain valve. The tube should be of sufficient length to allow the open end to be submerged in the collection vessel to minimize aerosol generation.
  • Open the drain valve and empty the drain pan into the collection vessel containing disinfectant. Flush the drain pan with water and remove the flexible tubing. Manage contaminated materials as if they are infectious.
  • Remove protective clothing used during cleanup and place in a biohazard bag for autoclaving.
  • Wash hands after gloves are removed.
  • Notify Principal Investigator or supervisor. Consult with EHS Biosafety (609-258-5294) to determine if vapor/gas decontamination of the cabinet and filters is necessary.
  • Run BSC at least 10 minutes after cleanup, before resuming activity in the cabinet.