Receipt of DEA Shipments

Material Arrival
  • Deliveries are made ONLY to the address indicated on the university’s DEA License:
      PRINCETON, NJ, 08540-6405
    • Items are tracked during delivery and EHS notifies the Dept. Office and central receiving of delivery status
  • EHS is notified by receiving staff when the items arrive
    • EHS personnel receive the material upon arrival
    • CDS is entered into the University CDS Inventory
    • Unique Vial ID No. are assigned to each vial
    • Controlled Substance Use Log (see sample log in 'Resources')
      • Use log is to be used by lab staff to track the use of CDS from initial use to container completion
        • Destructions can be requested
        • Destruction only to be conducted through EHS
      • Return a copy of the log to EHS when material is used up or destroyed (EHS)
  • EHS delivers material to the campus laboratory location
    • Lab staff sign the Controlled Substance Receipt Record chain of custody to document receipt (see sample chain of custody in 'Resources')
  • CDS materials are immediately secured in EHS approved lock-box
Inventory and Accounting
  • Biennial physical inventory verifications are conducted in June of odd numbered years.
  • DEA Regulation states, “After the initial inventory is taken, the registrant shall take a new inventory of all stocks of controlled substances on hand at least every two years.”
    • “The biennial inventory may be taken on any date which is within two years of the previous biennial inventory date.”
  • EHS will formally request that each lab conduct a semiannual review using the PeopleSoft inventory.
    • Lab personnel review the CDS inventory and report any discrepancy noted directly to EHS
    •  EHS will confirm the change and adjust the ‘working inventory.’