Research with Human Blood or Other Potentially Infectious Material (Including Human Cell Lines) Working with human-source materials carries a risk of being exposed to infectious agents that may be present in the material. Research with human blood and body fluids, unfixed tissues and certain human cell lines is regulated by the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030). The Standard requires research personnel with the potential for occupational exposure to: participate in initial and annual Bloodborne Pathogen Training for Research Laboratory staff complete a lab-specific Exposure Control Plan . handle and dispose of human-derived material in a manner that prevents exposure. Employees and students who conduct research with human-source materials are eligible to receive the Hepatitis B immunization series free of charge. Learn more: Hepatitis B Vaccination Princeton University Exposure Control Plan Research involving Human Cell Lines Resources Bloodborne Pathogen ECP Rev 2-15.pdf Staff Meagan Fitzpatrick Biosafety Officer 609-258-6258