Liquid chemical waste is disposed via sanitary sewer drain disposal or Chemical Waste Program. Liquids are never disposed in the trash or in storm drains. Sanitary Sewer Drain Disposal Drain disposal is only permissible for select wastes. Reference this list for liquids eligible for drain disposal. These liquids are not considered regulated hazardous wastes by the EPA, are not subject to New jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination Rules, and are not restricted by Stony Brook Regional Sewerage Authority (SBRSA) Service Rules. Submitting any other chemical waste into the sanitary sewer system may not be in compliance with these regulations and rules and may result in criminal charges. SBRSA samples waste from sanitary sewer lines immediately downstream from large users, including Princeton University. Do not dispose of any other wastes via the drain without express permission from Environmental Health and Safety. Chemical Waste Program Disposal Liquid chemical waste determined to be regulated hazardous waste must be disposed of via the Chemical Waste Program in accordance with hazardous waste disposal requirements. Liquid chemical waste not on the list for sanitary sewer drain disposal must be disposed of via the Chemical Waste Program. These wastes should be: packed in strong containers with threaded lids submitted using the Waste Pick Up Request Form labeled with the words HAZARDOUS WASTE and with the names of the principal chemical constituents and the approximate percentage. Labels must be legible and should include contact information of the generator. Used Oil Spent vacuum pump oil, lubricating oil, and hydraulic oil that is not grossly contaminated with hazardous materials is considered used oil by NJDEP. Used oil is recycled rather than disposed of. Spent oil should be labeled "Used Oil" and not "Hazardous Waste." Submit the oil through the Chemical Waste Program. Elemental Mercury Elemental mercury, not contained in an intact device, is considered hazardous waste. Broken mercury thermometers, thermostats, and broken mercury lamps should be submitted to the hazardous waste program. Resources Hazardous Waste DeterminationSanitary Sewer Drain Disposal List Staff Chris NilesSr. Laboratory Safety Specialist609-258-4605Stanley HowellSr. Program ManagerChemical Safety 609-258-4605