Internal Inspections EHS conducts inspections of all laboratories at least annually. In addition, Department Safety Managers and safety committees are encouraged to conduct their own inspections at least annually. EHS surveys hazardous waste activities in laboratories at least twice annually. Each laboratory group is encouraged to conduct self-audits. The following checklists may be helpful: Laboratory Safety Self-Audit Checklist Laser Safety Self-Audit Checklist Chemical Waste Self-Audit Checklist EHS also conducts inspection upon request by contacting Steve Elwood at 258-6271. Regulatory Agency Inspections Princeton University laboratories are subject to inspection by local, state and federal regulatory agencies, including, but not limited to, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), the US Environmental Protection Agency, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration and local fire officials. The local fire official and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection conduct inspections regularly. Per University policy, in the event that a violation is cited for an activity or condition in a laboratory, payment of fines assessed for the violation will be the responsibility of the laboratory's host department, which may pass along costs to the laboratory, as appropriate. It is an objective of the Princeton University Policy on Environmental, Health and Safety to assure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Resources Lab Safety ChecklistLaser Safety ChecklistWaste Checklist Staff Steve Elwood Director for Research Safety 609-258-6271 Stanley Howell Sr. Program Manager Chemical Safety 609-258-2711