Hydrogen -3 (Tritium) Carbon-14 Phosphorus-32 Silicon-32 Phosphorus-33 Sulfur-35 Iron-55 Iron-59 Nickel-63 Zinc-65 Selenium-75 Cadmium-109 Iodine-125 Mercury-203 Book traversal links for Radioisotope Fact Sheets ‹ Handling Radioactive Materials Safely Up Hydrogen -3 (Tritium) › These fact sheets provide information about each radioisotope's physical characteristics (half-life, emissions and energies), dose rates and shielding needs, detection requirements, special precautions, and waste disposal requirements. If you need a fact sheet for a radioisotope not listed here, contact the Radiation Safety Officer. Hydrogen -3 (Tritium) Carbon-14 Phosphorus-32 Silicon-32 Phosphorus-33 Sulfur-35 Iron-55 Iron-59 Nickel-63 Zinc-65 Selenium-75 Cadmium-109 Iodine-125 Mercury-203 Book traversal links for Radioisotope Fact Sheets ‹ Handling Radioactive Materials Safely Up Hydrogen -3 (Tritium) › Staff Colt Greer Assistant Director and RSO 609-258-1919 Chelsea McDonnell Health and Safety Technician 609-258-6255 Stephen Elwood Director for Research Safety 609-258-6271