Radiation Training

Even if you’ve attended radiation safety training at other institutions, you’re required to complete Princeton University training. If you’re not sure what training you should complete, contact the RSO.

The type of training you need to complete depends on which form of radioactivity is used in your lab.  

  • If the radioactivity is present in a form that is easily dispersible, for example, liquids, powders and gases, it is an Open Source. Most biological and chemical applications use open sources.
  • If the radioactivity is present in a form that is not easily dispersible due to its design characteristics, it is a Contained Source.   Typically the radioactivity in a Contained Source is encapsulated in a welded capsule, embedded into a matrix or plated onto a surface.
  • Special training is available for people who work with Uranium or Thorium compounds, such as uranyl acetate or thorium nitrate.

Lab supervisors must ensure members of their labs are trained in the safe and proper practices for the procedures and materials used. A Lab Safety Orientation Checklist should be completed to ensure proper training level.

Open Source Labs

If You Have No Plans to Use Radioactivity

You must complete Radiation Safety Awareness Training for Non-Radioisotope Users, which is provided online. Refresher training is not required.

Go to the Employee Learning Center and log in.  Click on Training by Department  > Environmental Health & Safety. On the Environmental Health & Safety tab, click on Radiation Safety and find the listing for Radiation Safety Awareness Training for Non-Radioisotope Users.

If You Plan to Work with Radioactive Materials

Initial Training: You must complete the online Radiation Basics modules and test, and you must attend the two-hour Radioactive Materials Safety Class.

For the Radiation Basics Modules, go to the Employee Learning Center and log in.  Click on Training by Department  > Environmental Health & Safety. On the Environmental Health & Safety tab, click on Radiation Safety and find the listing for Radiation Basics Modules for Open Source Users.  After you complete the modules, you can register for an upcoming Radioactive Materials Safety Class.

Refresher Training:  You must attend annual refresher training annually. Refresher training is presented at a meeting for your lab and typically includes a brief review of problems noted in the labs, inspection results, and incident response procedures.  You can see the refresher training presentations for the most recent years here:

Contained Source Labs

Only people actually using radioactive sources must complete training. If you plan to work with contained sources, you must complete:

    Initial Training: The training is completely online. Go to the Employee Learning Center and log in.  Click on Training by Department  > Environmental Health & Safety. On the Environmental Health & Safety tab, click on Radiation Safety and find the listing for Radiation Safety Training for Contained Source Users

    Refresher Training:  You must complete annual refresher training every three years. Go to the Employee Learning Center and log in.  Click on Training by Department  > Environmental Health & Safety. On the Environmental Health & Safety tab, click on Radiation Safety and find the listing for Refresher - Radiation Safety Training for Contained Source Users

    Uranium and Thorium Compounds

    Only people actually using uranium and thorium compounds must complete the online training module, Radiation Safety Training for Users of Uranium and Thorium Users. 

    Go to the Employee Learning Center and log in.  Click on Training by Department  > Environmental Health & Safety. On the Environmental Health & Safety tab, click on Radiation Safety and find the listing for Radiation Safety Training for Uranium and Thorium Users




    Colt Greer
    Assistant Director and RSO

    Chelsea McDonnell
    Health and Safety Technician

    Stephen Elwood
    Director of Research Safety