Book traversal links for Liquid Scintillation Counting Wastes ‹ Liquid Radioactive Waste Up Mixed Wastes › Use this red pail for liquid scintillation wastes. All liquid scintillation vials, regardless of radioisotope, are collected in red 5-gallon polypropylene pails lined with heavy plastic yellow liners. Restrictions LSC solutions must have a flash point of 140°F or greater. Most solutions described as eco-friendly or biodegradable are acceptable, but you are expected to read the product literature to verify that the flashpoint is at least 140°F. Do not place any other waste materials (such as gloves, etc.) in the scintillation vial waste pails. Be sure that the vials are tightly closed. Book traversal links for Liquid Scintillation Counting Wastes ‹ Liquid Radioactive Waste Up Mixed Wastes › Resources Waste Log for Long-Lived & Liq Scint Pails.pdfLab Rad Waste Collection Procedures - Liq Scint.pdf Staff Colt Greer Radiation Safety Officer 609-258-1919 Chelsea McDonnell Health and Safety Technician 609-258-6255