Pregnancy & X-ray Use Radiation Monitoring Badges X-Ray Exposure & Incidents X-Ray Safety Training Book traversal links for X-Ray Machines & Other Radiation-Producing Equipment Pregnancy & X-ray Use › A wide variety of radiation-producing sources are used on campus. These include: Electron microscopes and similar equipment used for materials research, for example, e-beam writers and lithography systems X-ray diffraction equipment A high-voltage x-ray irradiator Cabinet x-ray systems Radiography equipment used for x-raying artwork Medical x-ray systems X-ray fluorescence analyzers (portable and bench-top) X-ray photoelectron spectrometers Electron beam evaporators Neutron generators Generally, all radiation-producing equipment capable of operating at voltages greater than 5 kV must be registered with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Consult with the Radiation Safety Officer before you acquire such equipment. EHS will provide the following services for users of radiation-producing equipment: Registration (EHS will handle all the paperwork to register radiation-producing equipment or to cancel registrations) Training Radiation Surveys Radiation Monitoring Badges Pregnancy & X-ray Use Radiation Monitoring Badges X-Ray Exposure & Incidents X-Ray Safety Training Book traversal links for X-Ray Machines & Other Radiation-Producing Equipment Pregnancy & X-ray Use › Staff Colt Greer Assistant Director and RSO 609-258-1919 Chelsea McDonnell Health and Safety Technician 609-258-6255