X-Ray Exposure & Incidents

Reporting Possible Exposures

žYou MUST immediately report any definite or potential exposure to any portion of an x-ray beam to EHS and to your PI or Facility Manager.  You must also immediately report any ‘close calls’ to EHS and to your Facility Manager. žFor example, if you discover that the shutter was open while you were working within the XRD enclosure, you must call EHS, even if you think that no part of your body entered the primary beam.

How to Report a Possible Exposure

  • Call EHS at 8-5294 during normal business hours.
  • Call Public Safety at 8-1000 after normal business hours (Public Safety has EHS home and cellphone numbers).
  • Do not hesitate to call no matter what time of day the incident has occurred.

What Happens After You Report A Possible Exposure

  • žYour radiation monitoring badges will be sent to the vendor for rush processing.
  • žYou will be asked to visit McCosh Health Center once a day for several weeks to see whether the condition of your hands (or any other affected part) changes over the course of time.
  • The Radiation Safety Ožfficer will ask you to reenact the event so that your radiation dose can be estimated.
  • žThe Radiation Safety Ožfficer may need to make a report to the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, depending on the outcome of the dose investigation.  



Colt Greer
Assistant Director and RSO

Chelsea McDonnell
Health and Safety Technician