X-Ray Safety Training

Anyone using x-ray producing equipment must complete x-ray safety training, before being allowed to receive operator training in how to operate a specific x-ray unit. Users of electron microscope type equipment and users of radiation-producing equipment that does not operate at voltages greater than 16 kV are excepted from the x-ray safety training requirements.

Generally x-ray safety training is specific to the type of x-ray equipment being used.  The following listing describes the process for completing x-ray safety training for each type of equipment: 

X-ray Diffraction Equipment:
The training is online. Go to the Employee Learning Center and log in.  Click on Training by Department  > Environmental Health & Safety. On the Environmental Health & Safety tab, click on Radiation Safety and find the listing for X-Ray Safety Training for X-Ray Diffraction Users.
Note:  If you do not have a Princeton University NetID, you will need to contact the Radiation Safety Officer to arrange for training.

X-Ray Fluorescence Equipment (bench-top units):
The training is online. Go to the Employee Learning Center and log in.  Click on Training by Department  > Environmental Health & Safety. On the Environmental Health & Safety tab, click on Radiation Safety and find the listing for X-Ray Safety Training for the Rigaku Supermini 200 XRF Unit.   This training program is also generally applicable to other bench-top XRF equipment.
Note:  If you do not have a Princeton University NetID, you will need to contact the Radiation Safety Officer to arrange for training.

Bruker Tracer-III SD X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer (hand-held unit):
Contact the Radiation Safety Officer to schedule training.

The X-Rad 320 X-Ray Irradiator:
Contact the Radiation Safety Officer to schedule training.

Faxitron Cabinet X-Ray Systems (MX20 and RX650 Units):
Contact the Radiation Safety Officer to schedule training.

Other X-Ray Equipment
Contact the Radiation Safety Officer to discuss training for any equipment that is not listed here.



Colt Greer
Assistant Director and RSO

Chelsea McDonnell
Health and Safety Technician