Management of Biological and Non-hazardous Lab Waste in Chemistry Laboratories UNUSED SHARPSLABWAREUSED SHARPSMEDICAL WASTEINFECTIOUS FLUIDSDescriptionSharps that are unused or have not been in contact with BSL 1 or 2 material, r/s DNA molecules*, human or animal tissues or cellsLabware that has not been used with BSL1 or 2 material, r/S DNA molecules*, human or animal tissues or cellsSharps used for research with BSL 1 or 2 materials, r/s DNA molecules*, human or animal tissues or cells.Non-sharp regulated medical waste that has been in contact with BSL1 or 2 material, r/s DNA molecules, human and animal cells and tissuesInfectious Waste FluidsExamplesAll needles, blades and syringesPasteur pipettes, pipette tips, transfer pipettes, chemical bottles that have been triple rinsed and label defaced, slides, cover slipsAll needles and syringes; Pasteur pipettes, all blades, blood vials, needles with attached tubing, microscope slides and cover slips; Broken/unbroken glass and plastic ware that can shatter or break that has contacted BSL 1 or 2 materials, rDNA, human or animal tissues/cells.Culture plates, culture flasks, tubingLiquid growth media removed from human tissue cultures.ContainerPlace directly into leakproof puncture resistant sharps containers.Lab glassware boxPlace directly into leakproof puncture resistant sharps containers.Regulated medical waste box lined with a red bag.VariesProcessingWhen sharps container is ¾ full, close and lock lid, place a regulated medical waste label on the container. Put sharps container into regulated medical waste box.Seal box when ¾ full for removal by janitorial staff.When sharps container is ¾ full, close and lock lid. Place a regulated medical waste label on the container. Place locked sharps container into regulated medical waste box.Inactivate waste materials associated with agents infectious to humans (by autoclave or chemical disinfectant known to be effective). Place all bagged waste into medical waste box that has been lined with a red bag. Place medical waste labels on red bag and box, tape box closed. Boxes should not weigh more than 35 lbs.Must be autoclaved or mixed with a disinfectant prior to disposal into the sanitary sewer.Container SourceUser must purchase sharps container. Regulated medical waste boxes, bags, labels are in Chemistry stock room.User must purchase.User must purchase sharps container. Regulated medical waste boxes, bags, labels available in Chemistry stock room.Regulated medical waste boxes and red liner bags are available in the Chemistry stock room.User must provide.*recombinant and synthetic nucleic acid moleculesThis chart is also available in a downloadable PDF version. Staff Meagan FitzpatrickBiosafety Officer609-258-6258Halina StaniszewskaSr. Lab Safety Specialist609-258-9527