Green Labs Recognition Program

Oct. 21, 2024

Environmental Health and Safety, in partnership with the Dean for Research and the Office of Sustainability, is developing a green labs certification program to recognize excellence and raise awareness for sustainable adjustments in operations, procurement and waste management. 

The effort, part of the EVP's Sustainability Pilot Initiative, will kick off in 2024 with the development of a tiered certification program for Principal Investigators to assess their lab’s operations against key sustainability markers.

Labs successfully meeting these markers will be recognized with awards and other incentives. Stay tuned for more to come on this exciting program!

The program will build on information and themes highlighted on the EHS website, including sustainable research practices, energy and resource management and waste minimization.

If you wish to participate, please contact Robin Izzo at: [email protected]

Virtual Idea Board

virtual idea board has been set up for sharing sustainability challenges, program ideas and strategies for engagement. The idea board builds on feedback from our Spring 2024 Sa[Fest] research safety event.