Lab Planning, Shipping and Waste Pickup Over the Holidays

Dec. 6, 2024

The following are some useful considerations for labs to plan for a safe holiday period and help avoid any unexpected disruptions.

Research Material Shipping

Researchers should be advised of the need to plan additional time for shipping materials over the holidays. Please keep the following in mind as we approach the holiday season:

  • Hazardous/Regulated Shipping services available through EHS will be paused during the holiday break from Dec. 23 through Jan. 1.
  • Consider holiday schedules at collaborator locations – many institutions will have limited ability to receive inbound research material shipments or may start holiday breaks earlier.

Important Dates:

  • Friday, Dec. 13 (before close of business): Submit Hazardous/Regulated Shipping Requests for any shipments planned for shipping before Jan 2.
  • Dec. 16-18: Shipping Requests will continue to be reviewed and assistance provided depending upon available personnel. Requested shipping dates of 12/19 and 12/20 requires that the requestor confirm that recipient will be able to receive shipments during holiday period.
  • Dec. 18-Jan. 1: No Hazardous/Regulated Shipments or review of Shipping Requests.
  • Jan 2: Normal shipping services resume.

Holiday Waste Collection Schedule  

Chemical Waste Collection

For the 2024 winter holiday, waste pickups will take place on the following dates:

  • Thursday 12/19/24
  • Thursday 01/02/25

Note – there will be no waste pickup on December 26, 2024.

Be sure to have all requests submitted to EHS by 2pm on the Wednesday before pickup using the Waste Pickup Request form. A video explains the process

Regulated Medical Waste Collection

Regulated medical waste will continue to be collected by building services during the holiday break.  

To avoid any unwanted odors in the laboratory, make sure to package and place your RMW boxes for collection prior to leaving for the holidays. (Preparing RMW for Pickup)

Radiologic Waste Collection

Radiologic waste pickup requests will continue to be processed during the holiday break. 

Additional Considerations


During the holiday period, you may have difficulty sourcing and receiving commonly used research materials. Recognize that ordering and deliveries may be impacted during the holidays.

  • If expecting a critical shipment, track it and ensure that someone from the lab will be available to receive it when it arrives.
  • Avoid ordering time or temperature sensitive materials over the holiday period.
  • Be familiar with your building’s loading dock holiday schedule if you are expecting items over the holiday.
  • Check your supplies of regulated research materials, such as controlled substances and radiologic material, and submit orders as soon as possible so that orders can be approved and so that materials can be received by EHS and distributed to labs before the holidays.
  • If you are expecting deliveries from international sources, be aware that they may require additional import documents.  Please reach out to EHS before 12/18 if you will be expecting any international shipments during the holidays.

Lab Contacts, Scheduling, and Working Alone  

It is essential to communicate about holiday schedules to ensure that critical work and lab operations are not disrupted without creating additional risk for those that continue to work over the holiday period.

  • Review your lab’s contact information, including Emergency Information Posters to help ensure critical personnel can be reached if something happens during the break.
  • Coordinate schedules within the group to avoid Working Alone situations (See Working Alone Policy).

Lab Safety and Security

  • Conduct a walk-through of the laboratory space to make sure all non-critical equipment is turned off and unplugged.
    • Turn off common items that are often left on continuously: such as monitors, water baths, heating blocks, and laboratory ovens.
    • Switch off power strips.
    • If equipment is critical and must remain in operation, make sure equipment is in a state to ensure safe operation for the expected duration.
    • Double check that equipment intended for emergency power are plugged into emergency power outlets.
  • Check lab refrigerators and freezers to make sure doors are fully closed.
  • Make sure lab reagents are safely stored and containers are closed.
    • Secure all controlled, regulated, or hazardous materials.
  • Confirm gas, vacuum, air, and water turrets not in use are closed.
  • Make sure gas cylinders are well secured.
    • Close cylinder valves and replace valve cap for any gas cylinders not being used over the holiday.
    • Check gas and cryogen levels that will be in use to determine if you need to replace or refill before the holiday.
  • Lower sashes on fume hoods.
  • Turn off and lower sash on biosafety cabinets.
    • Disinfect, empty, and clean aspirator collection flasks.
  • Turn off non-automated lighting.
  • Make sure lab doors and windows are closed and secured.