Use of Skateboards on Campus

Responsible Executive: Executive Vice President

Responsible Office: Department of Public Safety

Contacts: Please direct questions concerning this policy to Kenneth Strother, Assistant Vice President for Public Safety

Effective Date: February 6, 2020

I. Policy Statement

This policy establishes rules and procedures for the safe use of skateboards on the Princeton University campus. Skateboard users assume all risks associated with their operation of these vehicles on the Princeton Campus.

II. Who Is Affected by This Policy

This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

III. Definitions

Skateboard – A short board mounted on small wheels. Note that electric skateboards fall under the Personal Electronic Vehicle policy.

Princeton Campus includes any property owned, leased, or controlled by the University.

Recreational Skateboarding: Use of a skateboard for stunts, tricks, riding on stairs, walls, ramps, benches, and other architectural elements, and other actions that may cause damage to University property and can interfere with pedestrians and the tranquility of the campus.

IV. Policy

Recreational skateboarding is prohibited on all areas of campus. 

The use of skateboards for transit is allowed.

V. Policy Enforcement

Students found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to discipline in accordance with Rights, Rules, Responsibilities

All others will be issued Persona Non Grata (PNG) notices and/or criminal charges. 

The University will seek restitution for all damage caused by skateboarding.

VI. Related Policies

VII. Update Log

Endorsed by the Environmental Safety and Risk Management Committee on February 6, 2020.