Identifying Workplace Hazards Performing a Job Hazard Analysis Controlling or Eliminating Hazards Example of Completed Job Hazard Analysis Book traversal links for Job Hazard Analysis Identifying Workplace Hazards › A Job Hazard Analysis or JHA is a process for breaking down a task or process into its component steps and then evaluating each step for hazards. Each hazard is then corrected or a method of worker protection (safe practice or PPE) is identified. Additional requirements such as worker training, certification, authorization, or additional supervision may also be identified. While the analyses for some tasks are very detailed, for many tasks a thorough review of the operation or work plans by the affected people is usually sufficient. The final product of a JHA is a written document outlining the safe operation for a particular task or process. Potential benefits of the Job Hazard Analysis process include: Protection of employees Reduction of injuries Establishes performance standards Standardizes operations based on acceptable safe practices and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Provides training documentation regarding a worker's knowledge of the job requirements Assists in compliance with regulatory requirements For more information about conducting a Job Hazard Analysis, contact an EHS Staff member or follow the links below: Identifying Workplace Hazards Performing a Job Hazard Analysis Controlling or Eliminating Hazards Example of Completed Job Hazard Analysis Book traversal links for Job Hazard Analysis Identifying Workplace Hazards › Resources OSHA's Job Hazard Analysis Staff Kelly States Assistant Director 609-258-2648 James McQuaid Program Manager 609-258-5106 Shaundree Davis Senior Program Manager 609-258-6256