Book traversal links for Machine Shop Supervision ‹ Machine Shop Training Up Machine Shop Rules › Undergraduate students are prohibited from operating machines or performing any other activities in a University machine shop unless supervised by the shop manager or a designated monitor. Working alone by undergraduates is strictly prohibited. All others are strongly discouraged from working alone. Shop supervisors and monitors may prohibit shop access or machinery use by an individual or group for non-compliance with shop safety rules. Serious violations will be referred to the sponsoring faculty member and academic department manager or the Dean of Undergraduate Students as appropriate. Book traversal links for Machine Shop Supervision ‹ Machine Shop Training Up Machine Shop Rules › Resources Policy on Undergraduate Machine Shop 12-20-2011.pdfShop Poster 9-20-11.pdf Staff Kelly States Assistant Director 609-258-2648 Jamie McQuaid Program Manager 609-258-5106 Stephen Elwood Associate Director 609-258-6271