Crane Safety

Crane Steel Delivery

The use of cranes on construction sites to lift heavy equipment, building materials, protective systems, erect steel, etc. is inherently dangerous. All parties who are responsible for the use of cranes while working at Princeton University are expected to comply with Subpart CC of 29 CFR 1926 1400 (et al.) as the standard pertains to their work.

The responsibility for compliance with the standard in its entirety falls upon the individual crane contractor in so much as it is dictated by the standard.

The following sections provide excerpts and highlights of the crane standard as well as general guidelines and procedures for crane use and operation on the Princeton University campus.

The procedures in these sections ensure that employees understand crane and derrick safety training, operation, and maintenance practices. These requirements are also designed to ensure that procedures are in place to protect the health and safety of all employees.


Program Manager